Saturday, December 31, 2011

Building and Strengthening the Blood

In Chinese Medicine, Blood is the foundation for conception and pregnancy. All of our patients need to strengthen their blood. Because women menstruate and loose blood every month it is essential that this precious resource is carefully replenished. Busy schedules, deadlines, and stress characterize today’s society, and we don’t always have the time or luxury to rest or rebuild our blood between each cycle. Consequently, Blood Deficiency is ubiquitous among 21st century women in the western world. Most women are at least somewhat blood deficient, and this is a contributing (if not primary) factor in nearly all fertility cases. The diagnosis of Blood Deficiency may accompany a western diagnosis of anemia, but it can also be present sub-clinically even without being anemic. When we say Blood Deficiency in Chinese Medicine, we mean that the blood is not dense enough, and that there are an
inadequate number of red blood cells carrying nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. This can lead to a number of problems, including Stagnation of Blood, which causes pain, and impedes the sufficient formation of a uterine lining to support embryo implantation. Choose foods from the blood building category as much as possible.

Foods that build the Blood
Floradix, Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Organic Animal Liver, Lamb, Beef, Dried Apricots, Raisins, Molasses, Green Lentils, Black Beans, Spirulina, Red Wine (in moderation: 4-6 oz/day)

Food that deplete the Blood

Ice Cream, Dairy products, Excessive Tofu and Soy Milk, Excessive spicy foods and seasonings (anything that is excessively drying or aromatic), oily or greasy foods, Raw foods, Salads, iced drinks, refined sugars, flours, processed foods, Soda and carbonated beverages.

Dissolving Blood Stasis
Blood stagnation occurs when the blood does not move well. Indications of blood stagnation may be endometriosis, cramping during menstruation, clotty menstruation, dark or purple menstrual blood. The causes of blood stasis can be unexpressed emotions such as anger or irritation, stress, exposure to cold that penetrates into the depths of the body or immersion in cold water (like Barton Springs), consuming very cold foods or drinks, sitting or lying on cold, damp ground, overactive sex life or loss of blood.

Foods that benefit to dissolve Blood Stasis
Dulse, Star Anise, Adzuki Beans, Eggplants, Chestnut, Garlic, Spearmint, Cayenne, Beef, Butter, Liver

Foods to avoid
Excessive amount of meats, Organ meats other than organic liver, Dairy, Ice cream, Oils, Oily and greasy foods, Sour cream, Peanuts, Cashews, Seeds in general, Highly processed and refined foods, Fast foods

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